In recent years, the idea of a healthy lifestyle is gaining incredible popularity. People purchase gym passes in an effort to achieve the body of their dreams. To a healthy lifestyle include: proper nutrition, regular exercise, normalized sleep and so on. The sports industry offers products that can make it easier for people to achieve their goals in sports.

We are talking about sports nutrition. Namely, today we will focus on the most popular supplement, which instantly sold out from the shelves and shop windows of sports nutrition. It will be about Testomix steroid. We will talk about its types, features and dispel the myths about this additive.


What is Testomix Steroid?

Probably, it is difficult to find a person who would not hear the word "Testomix steroid". Many people know that this Supplement is used by bodybuilders, but, unfortunately, this product has a terrible reputation among the population, not related to the "iron" sport.

The word "Testomix steroid" is translated as "protein". That is, Testomix steroid is a food protein that people get with food. The only difference is that here it is presented in a form free from unnecessary components.

The vast majority of ordinary people because of their illiteracy, consider Testomix steroid harmful to the human body additive.

What is Needed Testomix Steroid?

We have already figured out what is Testomix steroid. Now it's time to talk about what it's for. The need for protein exists in every person. The athlete, who seeks to increase muscle mass, has such a need higher. But due to their physiological characteristics, or lack of time, many people can not get the necessary amount of protein from food, it is here that testomix steroid will come to the rescue. With this supplement, getting the right dose of protein becomes easier, because Testomix steroid can be mixed with water or with another drink and drink, replenishing your body with building material for muscles.

It's time to talk about the types of Testomix steroid. What species are? What features does each type of Testomix steroid have? And how to use these features for maximum benefit?

By its origin, the protein (Testomix steroid) is divided into 2 groups:

  1. Protein of animal origin (meat, milk, egg, cottage cheese, etc.)
  2. Vegetable protein (legumes, proteins from various cereals, cereals, etc.)

To begin with, we learn about the varieties of animal Testomix steroid, as it is this form of protein origin is the main for the human body.

steroid testomix

The Main Types of Testomix Steroid

  1. Serumal. Testomix steroid is the most popular of all on the market, which is not surprising. This type of protein has a full amino acid composition, has a high degree of digestibility, but the most important feature of Testomix steroid is its short suction time. Indeed, whey protein gets into the bloodstream in a short period of time, thereby increasing the concentration of amino acids and quickly feeding the hungry muscles, which makes it a very necessary product for use in the morning and immediately after training.
  2. Casein. The absolute opposite of serum Testomix steroid is casein. The main feature and difference of this type of protein from whey is a long suction time. This makes it a useful product if You stay without food for a long time, most often casein is consumed before bedtime, when the human body is without food for a long time. After drinking a portion of casein, You will provide your body with nourishment, which will supply your body with amino acids all night. This product is obtained by processing milk. The food contains casein in cottage cheese. That is why it is recommended to eat a portion of cottage cheese before going to bed.
  3. Egg. Egg Testomix steroid has not gained such a rabid popularity as whey protein and casein, but, nevertheless, it also has a good reputation and is appreciated by athletes. And not for nothing, because the protein contained in the eggs is considered to be a reference, it is very easily absorbed by the human body, has an amino acid composition identical to the composition of human muscle tissue. This Testomix steroid has a very high biological value, is absorbed within about 2-3 hours, and therefore it is more appropriate to use it in the daytime between the main meals.
  4. Dairy. This type of Testomix steroid is not so popular among athletes due to its biological value, which is inferior, for example, to serum and casein. Milk Testomix steroid has a fairly good amino acid composition and an average rate of absorption. Milk protein is absorbed into the bloodstream in about 4 hours.
  5. Meaty. In recent years, manufacturers of sports nutrition actively offer Testomix steroid, made on the basis of meat. The biological value of such Testomix steroid is high, because meat has always been the main source of protein for humans, but due to its high cost, this type of Testomix steroid is not in great demand.

And so, we learned about the main types of Testomix 250 injection made from animal products. Now it's time to highlight the main types of proteins of plant origin.

Immediately it is worth noting that Testomix steroid of plant origin are not popular, because they have a very low biological value, a rather poor amino acid composition, not very well and not fully absorbed by the human body. That is why vegetarians are much more difficult to obtain the necessary set of amino acids.

  • Soy. Among the plant Testomix steroid soy is by right the most popular and is used by many vegetarians as the main source of protein. Recent studies show that soy Testomix steroid has a number of positive aspects, namely: a high degree of absorption, a fairly complete amino acid composition, high content of essential amino acids BCAAs, low caloric content. All these features make soy protein a useful product for people who follow the diet and adhere to a certain diet. According to the amino acid composition, many nutritionists equate soy Testomix steroid with animal proteins and consider it a full replacement for meat products, but this issue is considered unresolved and it is impossible to give a definite answer to it yet.
  • Pease. Pea protein is slightly behind soy protein in its biological value. However, it is also one of the main sources of Testomix steroid for people seeking not to eat meat products. Pea protein is generally similar to soy. This type of protein contains a large amount of arginine – an essential amino acid.
  • Wheat. Wheat Testomix steroid is not very popular, because its characteristics are similar to soy, but the production of such a product is more expensive.
  • Multicomponent. And the last type of Testomix steroid, which we will talk about, will be multicomponent. Testomix is steroid such as from animal proteins, and plant. From the name it is clear that the mixture consists of different types of protein. Manufacturers of sports nutrition offer all kinds of combinations of different types of Testomix steroid. For example, a mixture of Testomix muscle builder and casein will be useful immediately after exercise and will nourish the muscles for a few more hours after. It all depends on the goals and objectives of the consumer.


Summing up, we talked about the most important points concerning such a popular sports supplement as Testomix steroid. We learned what Testomix steroid is, what it is for, what species exist and when it is better to use this or that.

In conclusion, I want to say that Testomix steroid, no matter how useful it may be, is still an additive. Testomix steroid can not replace food and will benefit only when properly composed and balanced diet.

  • Write By: admin
  • Published In: ROOT
  • Created Date: 2019-06-13
  • Hits: 538
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